Rhoda Africa
Inspiring greatness
Rhoda African youth global initiative is a child of necessity, born June 2019 out of the desire to narrow the socio-economic and inequality gaps prominent among the teaming youths of Africa, who consequently are suffering deprivation by the society due to the poor background that did not give them opportunity to be educated or skilled.
The word Rhoda as it’s Greek meaning, ‘dominion’, is meant to psychologically, socially and academically develop the youths to enable them subdue or to have dominion over their environment and stir them to compete favourably with their contemporaries around the globe.

Our Programmes

Youth Alive

Training / Skill Acquisition

Support / Aid

aT rHODA Africa
We are poised to stem the tide on the ‘quick money making syndrome’ or ‘fast lane’ orientation among the youths, Rhoda African Youth global initiative, is targeting the training and empowerment of unopportuned African youths for self actualization, social and economic development through education and skilled acquisition in order to advance their aspirations and usefulness to the society.

Our Vision
Our Vision: It’s our resolve to build an outfit that will bring about a positive change in the society such that will make our continent a better place. This is because our vast ideas when translated into action would train and mentor youths of Africa in various fields of human endeavour thereby empowering them for leadership and development.